
Significant Names

Names have significance. My Bible study group recently began going through the book of Nehemiah. In Nehemiah 3, there is a list of people who did repairs on various parts of the temple after it had been destroyed by the Babylonians. At first glance, this seems like an informational passage with some really difficult names to pronounce. However, when you begin to get to know the person behind the name, you begin to see Nehemiah 3 in a different, more significant light.

In my own life, “significant names” have made an impact. The people around me have helped shape me into the person I am! In the recent months I have witnessed an outpouring from the Kingdom of God like none other. From words of encouragement, to praying daily I have been the recipient of undeserved love from the people around me. It is these same people who partnered with me to reach the Croatian youth, getting me through the support raising process in only 7 months. If you know anything about missions, you know that this is no small feat.

I have personally witnessed the Kingdom of God coming together for a purpose in a way I have never before witnessed. It is humbling and impactful and leads me to believe that there is not a single insignificant name in my life. Every person, whether I know them well or not has had some kind of impact in my life. Even the people who have caused the most hurt in my life helped me grow. I am so thankful that God allows me to meet people because they strengthen my faith in Him. People are a reflection of God’s grace! There is no insignificant name- especially in God’s Kingdom.

Changing this way of viewing people can have a dramatic impact on our world. No longer would there be room for racisms, sexism, or hate. Period. Even the people who hurt others and are considered enemies serve a purpose in your life. As I have been saying goodbye to the people who have impacted my life the most, I begin to think about people who are no longer in my life but have still been a “significant name.” I thank God for those people and the way He used them in my life. Taking time to know the person behind the name can open your heart to be changed by the impact of their life.

As I get ready to move to Croatia on Monday, I am thinking about all the people I will leave behind with a sense of responsibility and sentimentality. Although I know I will see these people again, I also wonder about the new ones I will come in contact with while I serve in Croatia. Thank you for the role you have had in my 21 year journey. Even if you don’t think you know me, I greatly appreciate the role you have played in my life. I hope you will consider the people in your life and the significance they have had. God has the power to use anyone for His glory.

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